Your Investing Starts Here!
Tokenized Business Opportunity Accessible To All.
Starting at $50
Globe, AZ 85501
Starting at $50
Prescott, AZ 86300
Starting at $50
North Pole, AK 99705
Starting at $50
Miami, FL 33101
Starting at $50
Payson, AZ 85541
Starting at $50
MIami, FL 33152
Starting at $50
field_63724f0963bcf, SC 29401
Starting at $50
Payson, MI 49457
Starting at $50.00
Payson, AZ 85541
Starting at $50
field_63724f0963bcf, MI 49457
Our Process is
Simple, Unique & Precise
Property Availability
Look through financial information, projections, reports on the area, & more. You can review available properties anytime.
Select Property
Choose a property and make it yours through our secure, user-friendly process.
Earn & Reinvest Anytime
From buying property to selling it, we provide a flexible market that allows customers at each end to benefit from real estate.
Why Us?
Key features, advantages and benifits that set P&Z CO-OP apart from others in the market.
Rental Income
Earn rental income and withdraw or reinvest anytime.
Property Appreciation
As the property appreciates, your ownership stake appreciates as well.
Tax Advantage
Reap benefits from favorable real estate tax deductions—for instance, depreciation.
Sell Anytime
Your property is yours to sell anytime your deem fit without any bounds or delays.
Decentralized Governance
Decentralized governance allows token holders to vote and manage all aspects of their property.
Save Time & Energy
A property manager assists you every step of the way, making things faster and easier.
Check Out What
Our Customers Are Saying?
-Norman Doe
-John Carry
Latest News
Market information, Press Releases, new property drops, and future planning.
Owning Rental Property
Owning a rental property in the US can be a way to create wealth through several mechanisms: 1. Rental Income: One of the primary benefits
Benifits of Tokenized Real Estate
Unlocking the Benefits of Tokenized Real Estate: Revolutionizing the Future of Property Investment In recent years, the intersection of blockchain technology and real estate has
Tokenized Real Estate
Tokenized real estate investment refers to representing ownership or investment in real estate assets through digital tokens on a blockchain. Here are some benefits of